Methods Criminologists Use to Study Crime

What Methods Do Criminologists Use to Study Crime?

Criminologists are experts in the study of crime and its causes, consequences, and control. To better understand crime and its impact on society, criminologists use a variety of research methods to gather and analyze data. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common methods used by criminologists to study crime.

Surveys and Interviews

One of the most common methods used by criminologists to study crime is surveys and interviews. Criminologists use surveys to gather information from a large number of people, while interviews allow them to gather more in-depth information from individuals. Both of these methods provide valuable insights into people’s experiences with crime, as well as their perceptions and attitudes towards it.

Observational Studies

Another common method used by criminologists is observational studies. This method involves observing and recording criminal behavior in natural settings, such as on the streets or in public places. Observational studies can provide valuable insights into the behavior and motivations of criminals, as well as the social and environmental factors that may contribute to crime.

Official Crime Statistics

Criminologists also use official crime statistics to study crime. This method involves analyzing data from law enforcement agencies, such as the police, to determine the extent and nature of crime in a given area. Official crime statistics can provide valuable information about the types of crimes being committed, the demographics of offenders, and the geographic distribution of crime.


Criminologists also use experiments to study crime. This method involves manipulating variables in a controlled environment to determine their impact on criminal behavior. For example, criminologists may conduct an experiment to determine the impact of increased police presence on crime rates in a specific area.

Longitudinal Studies

Longitudinal studies are another method used by criminologists to study crime. This method involves following a group of people over time to examine changes in their criminal behavior. Longitudinal studies can provide valuable insights into the development of criminal behavior, as well as the factors that may contribute to it.

Criminological Theories

Criminologists use various theories to understand the causes of crime and to guide their research. For example, some criminologists may use social learning theory to study how criminal behavior is learned and reinforced, while others may use strain theory to examine the relationship between social and economic stress and crime.

Case Studies

Case studies involve in-depth examination of a single case or a small number of cases to gain a better understanding of a particular crime or criminal behavior. Criminologists may use case studies to examine the background and motivations of offenders, as well as the circumstances that led to the commission of a crime.

Content Analysis

Content analysis is a method that criminologists use to examine media representations of crime and criminal justice. For example, criminologists may analyze newspaper articles or television programs to study how crime is portrayed and to determine the impact of media representations on public perceptions of crime.

Ethnographic Studies

Ethnographic studies involve immersing oneself in a particular community or group to gain a better understanding of the cultural and social dynamics that may contribute to crime. Criminologists may use ethnographic studies to study the behavior and motivations of offenders, as well as the social and cultural factors that may contribute to crime.

Archival Research

Archival research involves the examination of historical documents and records to gain a better understanding of crime and criminal justice practices in the past. Criminologists may use archival research to study changes in crime patterns, laws and policies, and societal attitudes towards crime over time.

In conclusion, criminologists use a variety of research methods to study crime and its impact on society. Whether they are using surveys and interviews, observational studies, official crime statistics, experiments, or longitudinal studies, criminologists aim to gain a better understanding of crime and its causes, consequences, and control. By using these methods, criminologists can help to develop more effective strategies for preventing and controlling crime and improving public safety.